Editorial Board


Research Open Journal of Science and Technology

e - ISSN:  2331 - 2149


Dr. Bensafi Abd-El-Hamid, Department of Chemistry and Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Abou Bekr Belkaid University of Tlemcen, Algeria
E-mail: aeh.bensafi@gmail.com

Dr. Miguel Miranda, Doctoral Research, National Laboratory of Engineering and Geology, I.P. (LNEG), Portugal
E-mail: miguel_miranda_77@hotmail.com

Dr. Khalid Jaber K Luti, Biotechnology Department, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad- Iraq
E-mail: khalidluti@yahoo.com

Dr. Pankaj Thakur, Sr. A.P. & Research Coordinator, Department of Mathematics, Indus International university Bathu, Una, H.P.-174301, India
E-mail: dr_pankajthakur@yahoo.com

Dr. MANISH KUMAR MISHRA, Assistant Professor in Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology Ghaziabad, India
E-mail: mkm2781@gmail.com

Dr. Mohammad Israr, Principal, Balaji Engineering College, Junagadh, Gujarat-362014, India
E-mail: isainik@yahoo.co.in

Dr. Adnan Jahangir, CIIT, Islamabad, Pakistan
E-mail: adnan.jahangir845@gmail.com

Dr. Melika Nazemi, Marine Biotechnology and Fish Processing Researcher in Iranian Fisheries Research Organization (I.F.R.O), Iran
E-mail: melikanazemi@yahoo.com

Dr. Necdet BİLDİK, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Art & Sciences, Celal Bayar University, TURKEY
E-mail: necdet.bildik@cbu.edu.tr

Dr. Ebubekir ALTUNTAS; Professor, Department Biosystems Engineering, University of Gaziosmanpasa, TURKEY
E-mail: ebubekir.altuntas@gop.edu.tr

Dr. Mustafa ÖZKAN, Department of Mathematics, Trakya University, Turkey
Email: mustafaozkan@trakya.edu.tr



























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